
"... The purpose of procedures “is not to restrict human judgment, but to free it for the tasks only it can perform.”[*] We must keep in mind that procedures are merely tools to be used, modified, ...[and]... discarded as the situation requires. They are not rules which we must follow slavishly."

United States Marine Corps Doctrine

* from Race to the Swift: Thoughts on Twenty-First Century Warfare (International Series on Materials Science and Technology) (Hardcover) by Richard E. Simpkin (Author) ISBN-13: 978-0080311708.


This web page holds the solutions I am currently working on.

When you find any of these packages and/or applications useful and would like to see continued development, please do consider making a donation (for donations mail me at donations@jhhcvandermeijs.nl). 


Tcpconns is a simple package for rapid development of full multi-threaded TCP/IP client/server applications on the java 5/1.5 (or higher) platform (available for Win98, WinXP, WinVista, FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris/OpenSolaris, MacIntosh). Tcpconns has integrated SSL/TLS support.

Even with high-level platform-independent classes that come with the standard java API libraries, do not underestimate the time and effort involved to produce an extensible reusable multi-threaded TCP/IP client/server solution that is also capable of delivering SSL/TLS. The tcpconns package has an intelligent and simple design that saves you the trouble from writing your own solution; it enables you to implement your TCP/IP communication solutions in a straightforward and easy manner.

Tcpconns includes a Keystore Manager Application which is started when you run the tcpconns.jar; with it you can open and save to many different kinds of keystores, including pkcs#12/.pfx/.p12 (both old and new type), .jks, .bks, .jceks, .uber, and OpenSSL's .pem formatted keystores. The Keystore Manager Application includes Certificate Authority capability; it allows the generation of self-signed certificates, the approval/signing of certification requests, and, of course, also the generation of certification requests.

Tcpconns has bouncycastle.org as a dependency.

Tcpconns is Open Source Initiative approved Open Source Software. Open Source Initiative Approved is a trademark of the Open Source Initiative. Tcpconns comes under a bsd-license.

Tcpconns can be downloaded from sourceforge.net, java.net, or here (pgp signature).      


The FTPServer project is an example of how you could use tcpconns. The FTPServer has been tested and has been found to work correctly on Ubuntu Desktop 9.04 (SunJDK5/SunJDK6)/Ubuntu Server 9.04 (SunJDK6), PCBSD7.1 (SunJDK6), and Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 (SunJDK6) over a LAN; I've performed all of my tests with the latest FileZilla Client. For now, the FTPServer can function with and without (implicit) TLS. FTPServer now includes a graphical user interface (GUI). I have yet to develop an FTPClient, client GUI, and I still need to formally analyse tcpconns according to the official RFCs.

FTPServer is Open Source Initiative approved Open Source Software. Open Source Initiative Approved is a trademark of the Open Source Initiative. FTPServer comes under a bsd-license.

FTPServer is located in the tcpconns project listed above.